Top 10 Longest Lasting Foods

Are you tired of rolling your stocks and checking every now and then for the food that is no longer good to eat?

Minimize your work time by stocking more of the longest lasting foods that you may never have to roll out again. These are like gold for your prepping shelf that can be bartered if needed.

I made a list of the best foods and condiment that can last for a very long time in your prepper shelf. That goes from 30 years of preservation to centuries…

Pasta products

Secure you carbohydrate sources for the next decades by adding pasta to your shelf. Most of the pasta sold around will last from 8 to 30 years depending on its types. Check the package for their expiry date.


Rice is one of the longest-lasting foods you can keep in your shelf. The fact that it was found perfectly preserved in Egyptian tombs prove its value for every prepper.

White rice, alongside with the basmati, jasmine, and Arborio are among the best types you can store.

However, brown rice is not a good fit as it will turn rancid faster due to its high oil content. Preserve your rice by storing it in an airtight container, this will keep the bugs and the dust away.


This famous superfood is part of the numerous legacies of the Native-Americans. It’s made from large wild animal meat, mixed with fat and flavoring berries, then pressed into little pieces of incredibly nutrients pieces that can last very long.

Pemmican is a great survival food for your shelf. Learn more of its benefits from our special article here.

Dried beans

Provide them with the right ceiling and they will last for up to 30 years. Just like with rice and any other food you want to store, you have to prevent it from getting infest by bugs, moisture or dust.

Rolled oats


Oats will last for more than 30 years. You can use them in an endless sort of meals and snacks. They are very filling and rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and fibers, perfect for your breakfasts.

Oats can lower cholesterol level and prevent LDL cholesterol from getting damaged.

Powdered Milk

Powdered milk will last for more than 20 years when stored correctly. Use a moisture absorber like nitrogen in order to prevent moisture.

This is a good protein supplement for your muscles. Cook it or use it in drinks to get the Calcium and other nutrients you need.




You don’t want to miss the flavor of the biscuits when SHTF? Twinkies are the unusual item in our longest-lasting foods list.

It has been proven to last up to 30 years after a science teacher finished an experiment in 2012 when he ate his pack of 30 years stored Twinkies, they were still perfectly edible.

Raw honey

Commonly named “Gold liquid”, honey stores for an indefinite time in a sealed jar.

It may crystallize over time but will stay edible with no threat on your health, just put the jar in warm water to dissolve the crystals.

Use it to add sweetness to your food, to help in the treatment of seasonal allergies and to treat certain wounds and infections.

Apple cider vinegar

You can store apple cider vinegar forever. This type of vinegar will give you incredible health results just by mixing it with water and drinking a cup every morning.

The fact that it contains alkaline nutrients will benefit your body and mind. You can also use it in your salads, on your hair, and on your skin.


Salt is obviously a great condiment that will last forever in addition to its multifunctions.

We all know that it tastes great on food, but you will also use it to preserve meat, to clear icy roads, and disinfect wounds.

This incredible list will permit you to make delicious and a seasoned meal anytime and literally forever, as long as you keep the stored in an airtight container.

The value of the longest lasting foods resides also in the fact that they can be bartered against other foods, goods or services when SHTF. So see them also as an assurance for your safety.


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