8 Surprising Parsley Health Benefits

For a long time, parsley has been taken for granted as just any other spice to decorate and garnish food. It is important to know that this herb has several health benefits and as such it should be included in almost any food you are cooking.

Parsley is a medicinal herb that is aromatic and mostly used to spice up any recipe. It has a delicious tanginess when used to garnish foods. You should not relegate parsley to the side of your plate while dining because it’s full of vitamins and minerals which has immense health benefits.

Parsley can become your favorite spice if you are a fan of healthy but tasty food. Below are some of the health benefits that are attributed to parsley:

  1. It boosts immunity and fights cancerous growths

Parsley leaves are rich in beta-carotene and iron. It has more vitamin C than any other vegetable or fruit. It’s rich in essential nutrients like antioxidants, flavonoids, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Regular intake of this herb in your food while help boosts your immunity and destroys any cancerous growth. This herb is also ideal for people suffering from anemia.

  1. It helps in weight loss


Parsley helps in digestion and elimination of waste from your body. This is why it is highly recommended for people who want to lose some weight. In case you are feeling constipated, try some parsley tea and you will experience better and regular bowel movements. The enzymes present in parsley can help to stop diarrhea. Parsley is also a carminative, meaning it increases the flow of oxygen and blood in the digestive system for better digestion.

  1. Helps to regulate cholesterol

Parsley is ideal in regulating high cholesterol in your body. High cholesterol is dangerous and can lead to complications of the heart. The Alpha-lipoic acid present in parsley also helps in regulating your blood sugar level to keep diabetes at bay. The folic acid in parsley is beneficial for good cardiovascular health.

  1. Helps in pain relief


It alleviates pain and is recommended by physiotherapists to relax stiff joints and relieve pain in swollen fingers.

  1. Improves the health of your heart

Parsley has Vitamin B12 and fatty acids which are essential in keeping your heart healthy by converting Homocysteine into safer molecules. This element can damage blood vessels if not safely converted. This greatly reduces the risk of getting a stroke or heart attack. In case you are on blood-thinning medication, it is important to suspend the use of parsley. This is because it maintains the elasticity of your veins and prevents blood from clotting.

  1. It purifies blood

Parsley can be used for diuresis, to let out water and sweat frequently from your body. This helps to purify your blood and get rid of toxins from the liver. Research also shows that regular intake of parsley tea can help to dissolve gallstones.

  1. It improves estrogen levels

Parsley is greatly loved by women since it helps to improve the levels of estrogen in their bodies. This is important as it alleviates the symptoms that come with PMS. It also regulates the monthly cycles and reduces menstrual cramps. Regular intake of parsley can greatly reduce the risk of getting cervix cancer in women.

  1. It fights colds and allergies


Parsley is important in fighting mild cases of colds and allergies. It can stop the sniffling and coughing within a short time since it is a mild antihistamine. Histamines are the root cause of sneezing and runny nose which are symptoms of a cold.

How to use parsley at home for food and drinks

Adding parsley as an ingredient in your recipe is quite easy. It is important to note that there are two types of parsley that can easily be found in a grocery store. These are the flat parsley and the curly parsley. The flat parsley is mostly used for cooking since it has more essential oils. The curly parsley, on the other hand, is often used to garnish foods. The tips below will help you include this amazing herb in your diet:

  • You can sprinkle finely chopped parsley in your omelet
  • Add parsley leaves to your sauce to make it tasty and nutritious
  • Use parsley to garnish your soup
  • Garnish your vegetable salad using parsley leaves together with lemon juice
  • Add parsley to your vegetable smoothie
  • Include parsley leaves while stuffing your sandwich
  • Add parsley to hot water and use it to prepare tea
  • You can also make and drink parsley juice

In conclusion

Parsley is easily available in most groceries throughout the year making it a popular spice in many households.

The best way to experience the health benefits of parsley is to actually eat it raw. Eating raw parsley makes sure you get all the beneficial nutrients and minerals which might be destroyed through cooking. Eating plain parsley is quite boring. Spice things up and include it as a dressing for your salad or add it to your smoothie.

Make a conscious effort from today to include this versatile herb in your daily eating plan. Next time you are in a grocery store, be sure to pick a huge bunch of parsley, your taste buds and immune system will be glad you did it!


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