EMP protection for your objects and vehicles

How to Protect Your Car From a EMP | Essential Tips

Is your car protected from the threat of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP)? With the increasing reliance on technology in vehicles, it’s important to take proactive steps to learn how to protect your car from a EMP. In this article, we will explore practical tips and strategies to shield your car from this disruptive force. An…

How to Choose a Slingshot?

How to Choose a Slingshot?

To know how to choose a slingshot, first, we need to enlarge our understanding of the tool. A tool that existed a long time before our era. During the time of our ancestors, people had no guns around. They used slingshots and knives to roam the plains to protect themselves and hunt. A slingshot may…

Periods during SHTF

Periods during SHTF

Periods during SHTF is a subject most survivalist women will come across during their prepping. Hygiene is one of the aspects of life to cover while prepping. This includes, among other things, waste management, keeping water and food sanitary, toilet management, and personal hygiene. For this last element, there is often an aspect that is…

what are military Mres

What are military Mres?

If you have been looking for survival food solutions, you must have encountered some pieces of information presenting military MREs as a good survival food. These food rations praised both by the military and survivalists around the world let you concentrate on your mission rather than food and cooking. One can’t argue that MREs are…

tips to avoid an active aggressor

Tips to avoid an active aggressor

The likelihood of suffering an aggression in the public space seems to be clearly on the rise in recent years. It is of course normal and understandable that an emergency situation (such as an aggression) may cause you to panic mainly due to a lack of preparation and habit. Here are some basic tips to…