tips to avoid an active aggressor

Tips to avoid an active aggressor

The likelihood of suffering an aggression in the public space seems to be clearly on the rise in recent years. It is of course normal and understandable that an emergency situation (such as an aggression) may cause you to panic mainly due to a lack of preparation and habit. Here are some basic tips to…

How to stay safe at big events

How to stay safe at big events

Large planned events can attract tens of thousands of people and with them a large potential for chaos. Therefore it is lifesaving to know how to stay safe at big events. Security planning for large sporting events has become a major concern for the security industry. With so many people gathered in the same area,…

prepping to counter the current cyber war

Prepping to counter the current cyber war

The US has a special position in the modern world, being the number one military power exposes you to adversity from many countries. Countries like Iran, China, Russia, and North Korea have been entertaining an aggressive cyber war against the United States in the last decades. Who is exposed to these attacks? The governmental organizations,…
